balance schedule中文什么意思

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  1. Lvs provides an ip layer based cluster load balance scheduling method , but it is inefficient in the reliability of load dispatching
  2. He also discusses how to handle common challenges such as vaguely defined requirements and environments , and the need to balance schedule , budget , and quality
  3. The production logistics dynamic balance scheduling is a typical multi - procedure , multi - object , multi - constraint , multi - machine parallel scheduling problem , which is difficult to build its mathematic model
  4. The director of which , a router with modified routing rules , directs the client requests to the particular realserver in the cluster according to the load balance schedule . and then , the slb is realized
  5. It expounded the research direction of server cluster and e - mail system . the second chapter discussed linux cluster architecture , it analyses ip load balancing technology and schedule algorithm of linux virtual server cluster and presents dynamic - feedback load with balancing scheduling algorithm


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